Past weekend we spend a great weekend in Budapest for a Financial Independence Conference with the name FIWE 2019. People from different countries came together to discuss the path to financial independence or to learn from young entrepreneurs how they did it. We will post next weekend our reflection on the weekend.
Market Sentiment and Sector Watch
The market sentiment did change quickly after the weekend. Trump did throw a tweet to the Chinese negotiators and threatens to impose additional tariffs. Trump says China ‘broke the deal’ in trade talks, so they will pay through tariffs. China vows retaliation if Trump raises tariffs. China vowed to defend its own interests and retaliate if President Donald Trump goes ahead with more tariff hikes in a dispute over trade and technology. Personally I think this is a war that Trump never can win… Chinese think in long term perspective and they will survive a Trump presidency… no doubt. So the markets took a breath at all time highs. No surprise here. Will we go lower ? Are there black swans at the horizon ? We will see.

Passive Income Update
During the month of April 2019, we received 85,25$ passive income with 11,76 interest and the rest dividend income. No options premium. this time This gives us a total of 1166,08$ after 4 months…
So let’s review how the options worked out.
Options Trade review
So what happened in April with my puts ? Well, the stock price stayed below the strike price of 12$ and so we got assigned 200 shares JNUG at the price of 12$.
YES !! So avoiding the PRIIPS bank rule is possible ! Just start writing puts.
So we received the 200 shares and the share price is now around 7$. That’s okay. We don’t have a problem with that. My average purchase price is 10,6$ as I already received a lot of premium.
So in May we have 2 more puts that can expire. 1 put at a strike of 9$ and another one at the strike price of 12$. If Trump continues to disturb the markets, gold will go up again. Maybe JNUG can go above 9$. I don’t mind having another 200 shares of JNUG in my portfolio. We will not write yet covered calls on those positions. We will see first what will happen at the expiration date of May.
Going forward
So we did hit our yearly target already and now it’s just a matter of reviewing what will happen with the puts in May and June. We will additionally receive dividend income. We are now 17% above our yearly objective. Let’s maximize our cash flow this year.
Let’s grow the money in our kids pockets.
This is the end of our blogpost. Did you realize more than 1000$ for your kids in four months ? No ? Then you should start investing in your own knowledge. Putting your money on a savings account is not a strategy to grow your kids money.
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Thanks for following us on Twitter and Facebook and reading this blog post. We end with a quote as always.
6 Response Comments
Je bedoelt allicht 2019 🙂
Corrected. Thanks Erik.
Great blog here, interesting to follow.
Now, regarding JNUG – wow strike price $12? when have you sold those puts? February? It’s like selling today September 20, 19 put at strike 7 with 1.5 premium.
Plese, elaborate why you are so excited about JNUG? It even doesn’t have a dividend.
Thanks for the comment Reinis.
I did pick the 12$ strike because it was paying me a nice premium. And I don’t mind owning it around 10$. JNUG does have a dividend of 2,58% according to
I simply want to own JNUG as a long term investment of my kids portfolio. Do the math in case price returns to 50, 140 or even 600 ? This is for my kids. Buy it when nobody wants it.
I’m new to the blog so apologies for the noob question.
Don’t you share your actual picks? I’m trying to see what you’ve built your 4 porfolios with.
Hi Victor
I don’t publish individual picks as it doesn’t provide any value and it does not reflect where I purchased the asset and at which price and currency rate. If you are really interested, then send me an email and I send you a screenshot of what I own today.